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Entering the Fray

Considering you've clicked on the site, and headed straight to the character creation tab, we can assume you want to play Stormchasers, so we'll get right into the process by giving you your character sheets, where you'll be creating your character, and tracking their points, gear, and damage.​


Character Sheet | Inventory Sheet 

Before we can start anything, we'll choose a background for your character. This both adds flavour to your character - deciding what they did before they became a Stormchaser - and gives your character some bonuses before even adding stats and skills to your character.


Choose from this list, or create your own and check in with the GM to see if it's all okay!


You gain a Level 1 in any Mechanics skill of your choice.
+1 Intellect
PMC Personnel:
You gain a Level 1 in any Military Knowledge skill of your choice.
+1 Dexterity
+10 Max Carry Capacity
+1 Strength, Vitality OR Fortitude.
Electrical Engineer:
You gain a Level 1 in any Electronics skill of your choice.
+1 Intellect
You gain a Level 1 in any Medical skill of your choice.
+1 Intellect
You gain a Level 1 in any Nature skill of your choice.
+1 Intellect
Comms Officer:
You gain a Level 1 in any Communications skill of your choice.
+1 Intellect OR Fortitude

First off, we can decide on your Statistics, you have 22 points to give to your character's Statistics, these affect Skill Checks such as Shooting (Dexterity), Death Rolls (Constitution), and Poison Resistance Checks (Constitution).


No Stat may be less than 2, and no Stat may be more than 6.


To help with this process, we're going to create a character with you! We're going to make a character with a Sniper Sharpshooter in mind. But you can choose whatever playstyle you like!


Here you can see we've put two 7s in there to ensure our checks are pretty solid in those areas, and we've spread the rest of the points out evenly to ensure we're not going to be die from a stray cough. (2 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 3 = 22)


Once we've sorted out the Stats we can move onto Skills, these are less about your character's stature, build and vascular health, and more about their specialty as a Stormchaser; are they an engineer by trade? Or are they already acquainted with a rifle due to their prior work in a PMC? It's all up to you.


In this section, we have 20 points to put towards our character. But unlike the last section, it's not as binary. The first slot in any given skill is Level 1, and the subsequent ones as Level 2 and Level 3. The category also has these slots, but these are known as "Expert Ranks" and cannot be bought. They are activated when a character has each Skill in a Category at the same Level. For example, if we have all the Skills in Combat to Level 1. Our Expert Rank is now up to a Level 1. More about Expert Ranks later.


The costs for skills are as shown:

Level 1 (+1) = 2 Points

Level 2 (+2) = 4 Points (Requires Level 1)

Level 3 (+3) = 6 Points (Requires Level 2)


Once we've finished up with our Skills, we can move onto calculating our Derived Stats, which are, Health, Max Carry Weight, Move Pool, and Visibility.


Max Health = (Constitution + Fortitude) x 2

Max Carry Weight = (Strength + Vitality + Fortitude) x 3

Move Pool = Vitality + Strength + 2

Base Visibility = 13​


Next, we can move onto our Character's Abilities; for each Expert Rank (as explained earlier) your character will gain ONE Ability, you may choose any ONE from the Ability List in the Ability Tab in the Corebook Rules at the top of the page. For our character, we've chosen [Suppressive Fire].


Now we've given our character their abilities and skills and stats, the good stuff, the heart and soul of our character.


Now it's for the fun stuff, the Gear. You can find all the Gear and their properties in the Items List in the Item Tab in the Corebook Rules at the top of the page.


To begin with, your character gets $15,000 to start off with. Spending this on guns, ammo, armour, medical supplies, and whatever else your character may need. This is however a loan, and your GM will need to keep track of this whenever you pay off your debt. Any unused money can either go directly to the character's inventory as spending money, or can be taken off of the loan from the get go.


Once you've sorted out your Gear, your character is ready to go! Just get a GM to add you to one of their campaigns, or grab a group of friends that are willing to play, and enter the fray Stormchaser!

Your character will naturally get better at some things, at the end of any given session, the GM will give each character some more points to level up their stats and skills, you may spend these in your own time, using the same rules for Skill appointing, though you may save these points and spend them on your Stats.


The cost for an increase in any given stat is calculated as follows:

​Current Stat Value x 5 = COST

@2024 Stormchasers TTRPG©, Author: "Hawukk"

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