The Game Master's Guide
As the game master, you are responsible for building tension and controlling NPCs both in and out of combat. You should be guiding players and pushing them to make actions.
To set the scene, you can use the descriptions of the world included in The World As We Know It Tab to inspire your vocabulary. You can also create your own planets and battlemaps to make this easier for yourself, or use community made creatures to bolster your ecosystem on The Ecosystem Discord Server.
As the GM, you can stage the places that players go, or you can use the already made planets and their habitats and randomise each time the players finish combat and go to the next spot.
As a rule of thumb, GM rules. Players are in their world, so they will abide by their rules. Though you should make sure your players are happy in the world and the rules surrounding it.
​Skill Checks:
Skill checks can be done during or out of combat, for looking at a car’s engine, searching an armoury, or even pulling out a gun quickly. Skill checks are simple; one 10 sided die plus the skill bonus, a category bonus from an Expert Rank if applicable, and the coincided Stat. The DV (Difficulty Value) will be decided either by the GM, or by a Combat Rule. To get a success, your dice roll’s sum must be equal to or higher than the DV.
​We understand GMing can be a big undertaking, so we've constructed a mission for your players to complete while running your first ever session, and we've made some character sheets so you don't have to!