The Storm that Approaches
During your 24 hour dives on Hekter B, the storms will close their eyes upon you. Unleashing chaos and devastation in their wake. There are phases of hurricanes, called Categories. Each segment of time brings a new level of chaos to Hekter B. Creatures come out of hiding during storms to better creep upon their prey. You.
Whenever you drop down onto Hekter B, your 24 hour clock starts to tick down with each movement you make. You can tick this down as fast or as slowly as you want.

World Travel:
When traveling across the planet, players use scales to travel, every 1” or 5ft of the map accounts for 10 kilometres of movement. If the players are walking, it will be 5ft an hour. If the players are rushing to the next location, it will be 10ft an hour. We as GMs, note this down and reduce the time left on Hekter B until the players have left, or if the time ticks down: delete the characters, since they have been lost.
Encounter Rolls:
When traveling across the planet, players will accrue the attention of flora and fauna, we can decide this by using random chance. When walking to the next location, we roll a D10 to decide the encounter rate, same with rushing. Use the following table to decide when players get attacked:

After deciding whether the players enter an encounter or not, we can use multiple random chance methods to decide what creatures the players run into, take this with liberty; you are the GM after all! Though in our games, we like to have a predefined set of creatures, and randomise which “pack” will spawn. We also add “Encounter Dice” to this depending on the Category of hurricane that is upon the players. This will affect how many Packs will spawn.